14.  Medical Taping

The basis of the Medical Taping Concept is the Kinesiotape method. In the 70's the Kinesiotape method was developed in Japan and Korea, based on the idea that movement and muscle activity are important to maintain or restore health.

If muscles do not function well, this can lead to a number of syptoms and illnesses. The Medical Taping Concept is a new tape technique that differs fundamentally from the previously known method of bandaging and taping.  Special elastic tapes have been developed for this form of therapy. The applied CureTape® is made of high-quality cotton fabric. It has elastic properties (130-140 % self-stretching) and does not restrict movement. Thickness and weight are comparable to human skin. CureTape® is waterproof and can be worn for several days. CureTape® is used in:

Sports physiotherapy
 Orthopaedics etc.